Dear Mike
I am sorry to hear that you have not been weel the last few months. I did wonder why my email had gone unanswered.
Unfortunately I am not very good at taking photographs of people, and I only had two images of you taken in 2008 at the open day. So I chose the best of what I had. . Let me have your favorite photo and I will ensure that it has pride of place in the next edition.
As Jean says I can do with as much help as possible to fill each editon of RCN, and as I have said before it is you guys who have all the knowledge, not me. I am just the person who pulls it all together. So if you have never written a magazine article before I urge you to have a go. I am very good at helping writers by taking their work and pulling it back into shape, without the readers knowing.
What I would like is some articles about the development and history of a particular engine manufacturer, or the weird and wonderful steering arm arangements used on a range of cars. Or Microcar firsts. Things that appeared on microcars before anybody else used them, like Fuel injection, Electric gear change, Dyna start, Glass Fibre bodies. The list of possible subjects is as big as your imagination.
I look forward to hearing from you all.
Chris Thomas
Rumcar News