Honestly Al, your like a worn out record . I wouldnt mind if it were Led Zepplin no.4 or Liege and Lief!!
A tiny minority drive electric cars because of green issues, nearly all G-wiz drivers bought theirs to avoid the congestion charge and are not the tree hugger type at all. This is proved by the current situation, now that many ICE engined cars are also exempt Wiz sales have ground to a halt. Of course power is generated at power stations by burn prehistoric dead stuff but at least that way the fallout is confined to a whacking great chimney pointing upwards and is a whole lot healthier that blasting it through an inner city kids bedroom window. Most electric car folk are just enthusiasts for electric cars or like me are trying to save money, not necessarily the planet.
This was a generalised rant, not a personalised one. I am all for folks using the best tools to hand.
New batteries might be a sharp intake of breath but I assume this is effectively fuel and servicing for the period of use/mileage minus hook up. Be interesting to see how the chassis copes over the years as that comes in as a longer term cost that we all pay.
For all that folk were in every garage buying as much fuel as possible it did not empty the roads any on our trip to Horsham to collect dead Trojans with two wagons and trailers. Absolute nightmare of a drive. Made only worth it by two acres of fine quality crap to sift through for stuff we had obtained the right to remove. Add in a Sachs engine, a Jowett engine and a strong Trojan A frame etc. found awaiting the Scrap man and given freely by the, now, friendly owner and a darned good days work.
On our return we discussed the sense in buying fuel with humongous tax levied on it to sit in Government sponsored traffic jams burning said fuel to no great gain. Is it me or is the Government not in a win win if we use more fuel, just as the price of fuel hits the highest level ever? The timing with a change in fuel chemistry is interesting to, another hidden tax rise as previously pointed out. Hence we are advised to make our cars as heavy as possible to use more fuel and pay more tax to do the same trip because 800 guys might go on strike over a health and safety issue. Advice from a Government in serious cash flow difficulty set to get really bad when the summer's half yearly tax payments are due. So many companies filed low returns they paid in full after Chrimbo. This allowing the Gov to say they had a good tax income revenue, classic political con, but the truth is this summer they need to sell our assets off to cover the hole in finance be it Post Office, RBS or the Womens Institute in a con with North Korea. So sat in line waiting for fuel, you have been a victim of propaganda. It works though, dunnit?
Prediction. The new fuel will finish off a lot of older second hand cars, hence the need to force folk to consume a load of it to stimulate the market in time to collect revinue. Funny to report how the car manufacturers are gearing up production in the face of a slump in sales. What do they know that we do not? Its a con.