I didn't want to change the registration numbers on my Morris or Velocette but also didn't want to throw away their 'cherished number' value in November if they could no longer be transferred.
It says on the .gov website that if you want to retain or transfer the reg number the vehicle must have tax and
MOT.There is not much information on exactely what will happen after 18th Nov? (or is it 17th)
I have put the Morris number on a retainer. I didnt want it to loose its original number but decided to play safe. I could always put it back on again!!!!
I got an MOT on the Velocett yesterday and tried to tax it today - it is not registered as an Historic vehicle so I phoned Swansea to see how I could get it taxed (without spending £36).
The deadline of 18th Nov is getting tight to change the logbook and retain the number.
It seems Swansea don't really know what will happen after 18th Nov.
My thought was - no MOT = no transfer of reg number.
The lady said that after Nov 18th will just need to tax the vehicle. you should still be able to transfer the number but will not need an MOT. I said that I wasn't sure about that, and I don't think she was.
I asked for some written details - she did not have any. email your enquiry on
www.gov.uk/emaildvla and they will write back.
She said that most classic car owners keep their cars in good condition so everything would be all right.................
I suggested that there are lots of old wrecks out in peoples sheds and gardens. Provided they have a V5c, does that mean you simply have to tax them and then sell/retain the number plate. no need for MOT?
This could be very good news for people with old scrappers.
It could be bad news for your pre 60 classic with a £30,000 number plate.
I don't think Swansea know the answer. They said it would be clearer on November 18th?