I agree that Bond was certainly a pioneer of the post Vera Lynne War micro/bubble/scooter/cycle car boom, but I think it is reasonable to think that it might have been inspired vaguely by the pre-War Raleigh Safety Seven, and even that has a basic form which dates back to the very earliest cars, many of which were small three wheelers, often with a single front wheel. Cars like the 1888 Roger Benz, Mr Knight's petroleum tricycle of 1896, the Beeston of 1898, The American Knox Waterless "Old Porcupine" of 1900, then the 1903 La Nef/Larcroix-de-Laville, 1904 Cyklonette and 1910 Phanomobil. The last two, from Germany, had the engine mounted over the front wheel.