Author Topic: isetta club  (Read 3054 times)


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isetta club
« on: September 17, 2012, 08:58:12 pm »
Wanting to re-register my Isetta with Swansea I joined the Isetta Club a couple of months ago. Since then I have heard nothing, recieved nothing and e-mails go unreplied does anybody belong to ths club and know whether this is normal I used to be a member 10 years ago and never had this trouble
Perhaps Jean can let me know whether I can do it through the register of unusual microcars as Frankly I would rather you have the money
thanks Gary
1952 B minitruck 1957 Isetta bubble


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Re: isetta club
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2012, 11:01:13 pm »
Mike Shepherd deals with all matters DVLA for the Register now so it is his call.  I would be a little reluctant to undertake it unless it were extremely straightforward simply because Rumcars never has held many records or archive information on Isetta's because they always had a very efficient Club.  May be it is time for all Isetta Owners to stand up and be counted and help to keep their Club running efficiently.  The elders of any group cannot go on for ever without new blood coming forward and being prepared to put something back into the hobby they enjoy.  Jean
Register of Unusual Microcars