Oh the planners will love me. I have no choice but to be legal with 47ft by 18ft garage. The bungaloid I could do under permitted development, but I am tempted to go for something a bit more radical, not least to make the most of the potentially fantastic view of the Berkshire Downs (none of that visible from the Vale of which is now in Berkshire!). However, you are right, once they have gone away with their clip boards, there are some games to play.
It is interesting to note that official figures show that there is in increase in building without planning consent, as people are fed up of the interference, delays and cost of the planning process and are prepared to argue the case after completing their building work, and not complying with resulting orders until the Council turn up with Vogons in diggers. Often the council cannot be bothered to go that far, as it costs money, and if it is not recoverable from the law breaker the incentive is not great. I recall a planner and policeman getting shot dead by a guy put in that situation some years ago around Tyneside. His boss is now head of planning at Allerdale, Cumbria.
Another Gov system unravelled by inefficiency directed from the centre. Something should be done.
I know of two people, microcar owners, now living in Bungalows built inside agricultural barns, for instance. Both have been heckled, but little more, as they both show no assets other than an agricultural building that would need to be destroyed to remove the illegal building. Ha, get out of that one! Sid lives in a series of old van body-shells in the middle of a few fields of scrub-land with his Land Rovers. Then there is Jules who moves between three privately owned sets of fitted out sheds in his camper. Worth a fortune. None of these guys pay council tax etc as they do not exist as domestic property owners due to someone else's silly system. Who is the fool? The proviso seems to be not to be married, though camp follows are OK. DAre I suggest another cost of dependant females, who happily demand the camper-van - temporary, OK with added status, as opposed to permanent non residential status, not OK, people will talk.