I think he might like to be. But no. Down in West Gloucestershire and Wales they have Gooch. Often tempted to nick a board for my Dog, Gooch (rescued with the name Gucci, of all things).
Bob still has a small collection of microcars, I am not totally certain what. He sold off quite a few projects like Goggomobil, Bond etc. Also cleared his spares shed somewhat. This was in part as a result of lack of take up of the Red Lion run they organized, back in the day. Perhaps it was too early in hindsight, but would a weeks travelling throughout the Welsh Marches staying at Red Lions each night get better support now? I think perhaps it would, however at the requirement for more and larger support vehicles. The lack of coms suggests he does not use the microcars much at the moment. That said Bob could reappear at an event at anytime, anywhere.