wowowowowo !!! hey Bob .. cool !! ^^
i didn't have all infos !!.... yes you're close to your original color, but that color is not one of the production .... as your inter is 1015 ; it's from "pre-series" ( you've seen official red striped document "that says that 1036 is the first serie's one ) , and because i didn't had the original pic ( have you got more ?!) now you're right ... maybe it was pre series colors ; turned to olive green then ... as mine is in original color, and 1247 is . they turned your color also may be to turquoise green, like 1214 and 1308 are ... then cream ( most of them ) and clear blue ( not sure )
about mine, my vision is when it's so rare, it's like " Christine plymouth fury ( from the film ) that was the only one in red in factory production line .... so 1128 (mine ) was olive green, it MUST be this color, however i would prefer the nice cream white ...that a sort of history respect ...but that's my vision ... your inter is yours!
but in each meeting i'm for the job, you ear guys saying " i painted my citroen traction avant in fire red , because al the one you see are black ! .....