Dear Bob
Well spotted the early photographs on Facebook. There were some great cars there. The pale green car is a Kapi 350, and the brown van is a Mymsa both from the Claudi Roca collection, and the red and white one is a Biscuter Pegasin from the Jaume Jubert collection. Also there, but out of the rain was a Kapi Chiqui and the MT owned by Claudi Roca. Norbert was there with his Zundapp. There was a lovely Clua 500 owned by Llorenc Farre and a Velam Ecrin owned by Jacques Deperrier. Lots of Biscuters, PTV and Fiats as well as schmitts.
A very well organised international rally with people from about 9 countries and everything done in 4 or 5 languages. The police outriders were great. It was just a pleasure to attend. Shame about the rain.
Chris Thomas