hehe forgot to tell the result of my moped trip...
My dad insisted he brings the moped on the trailmer until we arrive at the starting point. After unloading, having a drink, etc... we set off. My moped was the oldest one there (quite funny since I was one of the youngest riders there!), and it was also the fastest one... Well there was another moped like mine but more modern with different frame and tank, which was juist as fast... Until the point my brakes started to go bad... Something must have happened, making the brakes "work" even without touchibng the lever. It lmopst a lot of power due to that, people though uit was a brake pad that came off.
I given up after 40km, which still isn't bad, but nothing like the 150km I was going to do!
Back home I dismantled it all. The wheel "bolt" (spindle, whjatever yo want to call it) was bent, making the brake backplate squiffy, making the pads touch. I changed the "bolt" with az good one I had. It stil didn't do much difference, but it stopped braking. The exhaust was very coked up! Soimeone gave me some fuel sice I didn'ty have enough, and his fuel was VERY rich, it kept making clouds of smoke... After changing the fuel, decoking exhaust,; etc... now its perfect!
This morning I'm off to school on it, hoping it won't break down, and if it DOES, hopefully it will be on the way there