I like it Al!!

I think half the problems was working in inches instead of millibars! Stormy!
At least YOU appreciate the efforts involved in resurrecting that car. As you know it had the rear fire wall cut out where some idiot had attempted a big motorbike engine transplant! Why do they do that!!

The front seat had to be made from drawings , to be more precise, Tom Musset ran a pencil around all the tube work onto some wall paper and I worked from that. The biggest problem was sourcing the missing engine, although it came with a loose engine it was an Ydral Motorcycle one with no fan cooling or gyrostarter, Club Ydral came to the rescue, also Gilles Perez was an enormous help.
As you said, there was no Internet, most microcar guys in Britain had never heard of an Inter, it was just a case of a lot of letter writing, faxing, long distance phone calls and trips to France. At least all the running gear was on the car which is more than can be said for my current one. I enjoyed the challenge at the time. Wouldn't do it again though, now I have resorted to the simplicities of a fiberglass body and Villiers!