I have found using pure traditional Drivel is guaranteed to be a success, as specified, and within reasonable performance ranges. Synthetic Drivel is very hard to quantify into what % component is the carrying medium, and what the active part. Only when that is known can it be compared with tradition Drivel and a direct comparison made. It is often the case the Synthetic Drivel is in fact weaker than you think and thus less appropriate. You will find therefore I am, in nearly all cases, in favour of the best quality traditional Drivel to lubricate and be efficiently consumed as part of the charge, irrespective of the quality of the fuel element.
If this is difficult to understand I refer you to Rob Dobie who put this far more succinctly, but who might well echo my words. A clever trick using a word processor but never mind, he has been to Narnia where Aslef had been on strike for 100 years and so it was always winter. I thought that was Scarborough not Eastbourne. The alternative is to have a four stroke and no Drivel at all, but that is a little boring, I feel. Between the two you have the Wankels, who need just a touch of Drivel to keep them happy.
I think that answer most of your questions.