Author Topic: New Peel website in Hungary. Peel foundation news  (Read 12926 times)

Stuart Cyphus

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Re: New Peel website in Hungary. Peel foundation news
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2007, 03:18:48 pm »
 ;D Hello everyone Peel-related. Nice one Trident, but alas, ICI doesn't stand for Invalid Carriage Institution. I'm the I.C.R; which of course stands for Internatinal Cash Registers!!!!  ;D :D

 Sorry if some of these interchances are a bit over your head David, the result of three old (Me? Old?! I'm only 26!!!!) lunatics with nothing better to think about getting together! Plus you tend to go a bit potty when you've been round some of these cars for any length of time!  Anyway, ICI is a very big chemicals company in the UK that make paint and plastics and such things, that has been in business since the late 1940s(?). It would appere that they supplied the Perspex to Peel Enginnering from which to make the Trident domes.

 Oh yes everybody, I know a little about a lot and a lot about little.  ;D

 Now once more for a little game of "Guess the Peel Person" methinks. I've already denouced P50 as Perry Olds, I'm very much certain Peelpower is Feridinand Tillmans, but who is Trident? Who's got a Trident round here? Its not actully either of you two is it Steve Hurn or Grant Kearney? Go on, give us a clue.....   ??? ??? ???


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Re: New Peel website in Hungary. Peel foundation news
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2007, 04:00:38 pm »
Yes Stuart, ur right.
Peelpower is me, Ferdi Tillmanns, Peel owner from Germany. Does anybody knows who 2Peels is ??