Hi Elvis,
Just to say that anyone who publishes a book on a specialist topic such as microcars and three-wheelers must be a real enthusiast, because the cheque you'll receive will in no way match the work you've put in. Therefore, my compliments and respect to you!
Thank you Wilksie and you are right, for me its definately a hobby that pays for a few beers rather than an island in the Bahamas. For me the fun is in the research putting it together and the reward is seeing the whole thing put together and in print.

In addition the book was created from a whole army of people and so for a lot of vehicles much of the information has come from the horse's mouth rather than past information - some of which goes against what has been written in the past as that has not been accurate. There may be a few names here that folks recognise some of which are quite infamous in the world of 3-wheelers, all of whom have helped at some point with the book:
A1 Classic Cars Maastricht; A U (Dan) Daniels; Ace Scott King; Adam Reif; AeroCycle Cars (Arthur Rayner); Alan Styles; Alden Jewell; Alan Pinnell; Allan Hailstone; Andreas Kukuljan; Andy Carter; Anthony Olway; Anthony Philllipson; Arak Leatham; Arseny Zhdanov; Arvil Shepherd; Autoblog.com (John Neff); Roderick Holland); British Broadcasting Corporation; Black Country Living Museum, UK (Geoffrey Payne); Blackjack Trikes (Richard Oakes); Bob and Diana Keyes; Bob Kinney; Bob Kranenburg; Bob Purton; B.R.A (David Wiles); Brian Snelson; Brian Thornton; Budd Steinhilber; Campagna Motors (Jean-Simon Goudreau); Carlo Lamattina; Caroline Payne; Chris Van Rooy; Chuck Andersen; Clive Sargeant; Coventry Transport Museum, UK (Damien Kimberley); Craig Thorness; Colin Pickett; Damiano Garro; Daniel Blow; Danny Higgins; Dave Norton; Dave Starr; Dave Stretton; Dave Stollery; Dave Vezina; Dave Womack; David Baker; David Buckley; David Suarez; Des Ferguson; Don Dennes; Donald Le Bihan; Doug Malewicki; Doug Tuttle; Drive Inc Ltd; Earl E Mohr; Eco-Fueler Corporation (Jerry Hendricks); Eduard Hattuma; Elio Motors (Chip Stempeck); Ernie and Maise Allen; Eva Håkansson; Ford Motor Co (Richard Weedn); Warren Crone); Frank Webster; FRS Motorsports (Fred and Jason Reeve, Lisa Swaine); Fuel Vapour Technologies (George Parker); Gabriel Grare, Gene Rodgers; General Motors (Kathleen Adelson); Georg Schwalbach; Gill Richardson, Peter Waller and everyone at Crécy Publishing; Grinnall Specialist Cars (Mark Grinnall); H Roy Jaffe; Hans Bodewes; Hal Schmidt; Hans van Os (DWAC — Nederlandse Dwergautoclub); Hans van Scharrenburg; Harry Kalsbeek; Harry Kraemer; Helen Sanders; Helena Belden; Hikaru Baba; Iain Ayre; IndyCycle (Jamieson Durette); Jan Barnier; Jaume Jubert; James Nichol; Jane Neil; Jeff Green; Jez Hildred; Jo Huxster; Joe Fajdich; Joe Turner; Joel Bradshaw; Joel Loiseau; Johan Schoenmaker; John Cleve Graham; John Lloyd; John Lucas; John Massegee; John Meadows; John Mulders; John Napper; John Robson; John Rothwell; Jonathan Poll; Joseph Hall; Joseph Lawrence; Jozef Tedjrasi; Justin Bruett; Ken Baker; Kerry Croxton; Kim Scholer; KKM Deliveries; Lane Motor Museum, USA (David Yando); Larry Fisher; Luis Pallás; Lovson Auto Division (Joanna); Malcolm Tait; Marc Le Beller; Mark Zalutko; Marlene Gaskin, Marotti Automotive (Markus Rogalski); Martin Strange; Markus Klett; Maserati Archive (Georgina Cox), Maurice de Boer; Maurizo Bol; Maximilian Busch; Maxwell Paternoster; Mian Muhammad Ali Hameed; Michael Barnard; Michel Humbert; Miller Technology (Chad Miller); Morgan Motor Co (Charles Morgan and Beverley Moore); MOSI: Museum of Science & Industry, Manchester, UK (Sarah Roe and Nick Fonder); Nagy Róbert; National Motor Museum, Beaulieu, UK (Jonathan Day); Nick Greatwood; Oliver Hartmann; Olivier Houllier; PAL-V Europe NV; Patrick Castelli; Peel Engineering Ltd (James Buggle); Pete Shirk; Pete Skinner (E300DSLR); Peter Edgley; Peter Frost; Peter Klensberg; Peter Smeaton; Peter Stanhope; Peugeot (Janet Brace); Phil Wells; Planet Engineering Ltd; Pol de Carnières; Predator Trikes (Allan Daniels); Razor Cars Ltd (David Chapman); Reliant Motor Co; Ric Murphy; Richard Lewis; Richard Robinson; Rik Borgman; Robert Grounds; Robert Iveson; Robert Kermode; Robert Knight; Robert Occhialini; Robert Pichon; Robert Woodard; Robert Q Riley; Rogerio Machado; Ron Will; Ronald Powers; Sam Glover; Samuel Hawley; author of Speed Duel: The Inside Story of the Land Speed Record in the Sixties; Sceadu Design (Dave Mounce); Scorpion Motorsports (Mark Margolis); Scott Merrill; Silvano Notaro; Simon Baynes; Spike; Stephen Smith; Steve Green; Steve Hole; Steve Maguire; Stratstone Morgan Stourbridge (Mark Townsend and Simon fox); Structural Plastics Inc (Larry Barker); Stuart Cyphus; Sub Motorsports; Subaru (Peter Tenn); Sverker P Zethelius; Terry Parkin; T3 Motion (Dan Ellis); Thom Taylor; Thomas Touw; Thomas Tutchek; Thoroughbred Motorsports Inc (Kacy Mills); Tom Carmody; Tom Karen; Tony Cox; Twike UK (Dr Andreas Schroeer); Tycho de Feyter; Unique Motor Co (Nigel Scarr); Ursula Haigh; Vandenbrink (Harry Kroonen); Velor-XTrike (Pavel Brida); Volkswagen (Kate Thompson and Danielle Hutchinson); Walter B Statter; Warren Behler; Willem Alink; William Brandt; Wilfried Dibbets; William Fiddler; and, Yasuo Taskahash and of course RUMCAR News (Chris Thomas)