Author Topic: Nice day for a breakdown.  (Read 3702 times)


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Nice day for a breakdown.
« on: November 07, 2013, 11:38:18 pm »
Yesterday Tony Mrshall and I went to town in the Nobel. On the way the motor started to splutter and conked out. I thought it had enough fuel, so poked a stick in the tank and sure enough there was plenty. Foolishly I took no tools with me, as my Nobel has never let me down. There's a first time for everything. We were just thinking of walking home, when a friend drove past and offered to give us a tow. This morning I gave Tony the task of finding the problem. Luckily the first thing he looked at was the sparkplug, which had a nice fat whisker between it's electrodes. Once the plug was cleaned and refitted Tony turned the key and the engine burst into life. I'll keep the old bugger busy while he's staying with us.                  Nick.
Messerschmitt Tiger 500, KR201 roadster, 1955 KR200, 1958 KR200, 1959 KR200, 1964 KR200, Nobel 200, Morgan Super Sports, Goggo Coupe, Isetta 300, Velorex 350, Bond mk D, Lomax.


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Re: Nice day for a breakdown.
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2013, 11:22:03 am »
Glad it was an easy fix. Those Engine Cylinder Nesting Cats are a menace, leaving their whiskers where they don't belong!
Just remember: as one door closes behind you, another slams in your face