Author Topic: Biscuter book  (Read 3757 times)

Chris Thomas

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Biscuter book
« on: December 08, 2013, 09:04:45 pm »
Dear Friends

Since the summer I have been working with the Classic Motor Club be Barges, who organise the Manresa rally, who have re-published the Biscuter book. I have done the English translation, so now this edition is in Spanish, French or English ( three seperate books).For somebody who does not speak Spanish or French it was a long task.

The book was launched in Barcelona yesterday, so it is now available. It being sold for €25 a copy which is £21, but we shall have to see what price Foyles can get them for.

I will be doing a book review in the Spring edition of RCN, but if anybody can't wait for that, email me and I will see what I can arrange.

Chris Thomas