He is into blue isn't he. Bonkers.
Modified Triumphs - you throw the engine away as they are crap and use the front suspension.
Ah trike so we cannot do that. Kwaka is as good. Now what rear wheel drive car can we find that is cheap. I know. A Bond 875. Well this MkG is close, so we can put the Bond front/Villiers on the Triumph and flog that as a Trike.
The front of the Triumph without engine to someone doing an early TVR or something, The Kwaka engine can go on the lawn mower for a quick result. Bonsor!
Oh. The Bond was not rear wheel drive after all, quick, flog it to the Wirral, it must be better than a Gordon still! Ah, but the Gordon moves.....
I wonder if he would like an invalid carriage?
Once saw the aftermath of a Bike having hit a Skoda so hard it had cut it in half. I then realized it was a Skoda based Trike that had collapsed at speed on the Oxford bypass. Handy if you want a leg to hang round your neck.