It appears that some one else has put their thinking caps on, and come up with an effective compensation, that ideally would mark the beginning of a more complete over haul of the front suspension and steering design and manufacturing inadequacies that also include:
1) Asymmetrical length steering rods that can never proscribe the same arc on the left and right front wheels during vertical wheel travel, ensuring different amounts of toe in/ out/ steering direction in right and left wheels when dealing with road irregularities, lean or varying weight loads.
2) The outboard ends of these steering arms connecting to arms welded to the top spring retaining piece, that given the overall design of this suspension, will never proscribe a continuous degree of arc, so both wheels are doomed to huge amounts of bump steer during vertical wheel travel, as the arcs prescribed by the out board ends of the steering arms can never match those of the steering arms. So in addition to asymmetrical steering effect, changes in toe settings during vertical wheel travel are ensured, and stability of steering effect is further condemned.
3) Both steering arms are too short to allow for reasonably followable arcs being proscribed by their out board ends, albeit as mentioned above, one is considerably shorter (hence even worse than the other) due to the use of a ball and trunion steering unit, with its inherently offset inner steering arm pivot points, in a central single seat car.
The above is not even half of the design disasters built into just the front end, that my modifications sucessfully ameliorated, as opposed to compensated for.