Ah! The Envoy Case. I'd almost forgot about this! You viewers didn't have to deal with the film crew behind the scenes! At the risk of it sounding like sour grapes when in reality I have no thoughts of any kind on the matter, it would have been nice if they had given me and the ICR just a tiny little credit at the end, for it was me who supplied all the historical details and pictures, me who put them in touch with most of the persons you see in the film, and me who introduced them to Wroughton and acted as one of the go-betweens for her car to go there.
Of course it doesn't make a good programe to tell the story in the correct time line. It was only AFTER Wroughton had accepted the car that they decided to go off at a tangent and make a programme about trying to get the car safe, so in reality, everything prior to the car arriving at Wroughton, is one long bluff and play acting. It was ALWAYS going to Wroughton, before filming ever started.
Still, I helped get the car safe, but such are the things you see from standing behind the scenes.