A few years ago I was in contact with the designers daughter Kathy, as I thought the Chariot was initially a one off, however there were more than one built.
Heres her story:
Dad worked at Norton Motors until they broke up and moved down to Plumstead. He bought much of the stores from there, as they were apparently putting a hammer thro' all the castings.
He then worked from home repairing bikes and anything else that needed an imaginitive mind. He had the idea for the commuter car and started to work on it, said the cities would get too crowded and a smaller runabout was needed !! His long time friend Jim Fereday (I think he was the founder of Feredax, but not positive on that) pushed him to develop the idea and it eventually got to the production stage. The ministry of transport then wanted 2 full models to test and destroy and there was just not enough money for that, so it all ground to a standstill.
There was a lot of interest at the time, just not enough money!
Dad had always been a biker, into Trials riding, in which he was quite well known. He always designed new ideas for ground clearance, and weight reduction, and innovative engine design. His bikes were all ''RGC Specials'' and he got as much pleasure from design as he did from competition.