Hey all, (been a while!)
The bitza really was made out of bits of everything. The tank isn't from a BB sport, but off of a Motobecane SP50. The shape is the same, but the SP50 has 4 small "hooks" on the top (to mouns a small bag or something) and it has the petrol tap at the back *in the middle* (the SP50 tank doesn't go over a tube so the tap is in the middle).
The frame is from a Peugeot BB VCT (automatic granny moped), I adapted a 3 speed motor in it, made a hand gear lever system, motobecane mudguards, motobecane headlamp, motobecane headlamp fairing (fibreglass replica), and various other parts...
Just over a week ago, I done over 400km with it, and last weekend I done 200km with it. It goes well, and is reliable. I had a few minor problems (manifold got loose due to nuts loosening with vibrations, gear cables deadjusting, etc...), but other than that it's great!
you can see it being built up in this photo album:
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.220869224705107.1073741827.100003460947898&type=1&l=687937ceb5(you don't need a facebook account to view the photos)
It will never be finished, because I will always find small things to put on it! I have a couple of long chrome exhausts, but I may keep them for something else...