Dear Richard and Chris. When I mentioned the news letters of cars with only a hand full of survivors I meant just that, the news letters for the Frisky, Nobel, Goggomobil etc seem more appropriate as there are considerably more of them. I would have thought that cars like the AC Petite, Gordon etc would be catered for just as well with an occasional article. Some times when I read them the writer clearly has no news or fresh information to disseminate and waffles on about what a nice saturnalia he had or the price of fish.... That's got to be understandable after all! If there is no news there is no news.
Richard is doing a cracking job as you said but the time may come when there is no more to say and may want to revert to an occasional article. In the mean time though I think he has a backlog of stuff to tell us.
Re me doing the same for the story of the Inter, I have already done it TWICE! The first. a time long before you were on the scene Chris. I wouldn't want to bore the socks off everyone by going over it all again, as I own the only one in the uk I would be talking to myself wouldn't I?
We all have our preferences, some like to restore, some like to drive, others like to research and write. Most cant find time to do more than one.