Made a start on the headlight LED lamps to replace the normal 36/42 watt lamps that fit in the 7" reflectors on the Isetta.
Pictured is where I'm at so far. I had to sacrifice a filament a lamp by breaking away the glass to get some measurements of the filaments. Both filaments are about 21mm from the locating ring, with the dipped beam filament raised above and skewed to one side to dip the beam down and to the left.

The LED base is made from 2mm copper sheet, and I've silver soldered some copper pegs into that for the LED's to attach to. Copper is a very good heat conductor, these LED's are likely to poke out at least 2watts of heat per piece at the rate I wish to drive them, so good heatsinking is essential. The copper backing plate will be in turn bolted onto a larger finned aluminium heatsink, which will sit inside the Isetta's headlight pods.
I've staggered the pegs them to match the original positions of the tungsten filaments. The LED's are both made by Cree, the smaller unit for the dipped beam is an Xp-l emitter, the larger units are Xm-L. They both chuck out similar levels of light, but the Xm-L is cheaper and a bit easier to work with.
I have soldered the base of the LED for the dipped beam, I only plan to initially try a single LED pointing to the upper section of the reflector initially. The main beam will have two Xm-L Leds, one pointing down the other up to completely illuminate the reflector, but I've only soldered one in at present.
My chief concern at this stage is the sub optimal heatsinking. With the LED's mounted at the far end of the heatsink, this does affect the performance of the heatsinking, a term known as 'spreading resistance'.
Copper is about the best practical heat conductor, and I will also be running the LED's at well below their maximum output (these LED's are cable of about 1000 lumens per piece)- about 50% full power for the dipped beam, and about 30% for the main beam. It's going to be a case of suck it and see, they will undergo extensive testing before they go anywhere near a vehicle.