The difference, and I think its a big one, is Colin does all the work himself. You might not like what he does, but he gets off his spot bot and does it. Top Gear is a think tank for daft ideas, which they the commission someone else to make on a big budget, and on which they take wads of public money for TV space, and hope to sell their egos to boot. Furze is an anarchist. Top gear is a business. I am not surprised a lot of folk find this hard to understand, what with so many clubs hiding a business enterprise at the core. Microcars used to be anarchic, to a much greater degree than they are now. Its one of the things that made them interesting.
Not only that Furze is not making fakes, kits or a copies of something, its fresh ideas in action. Thank god for the Colin Furze of this land.
I assume, therefore, that Furze project to 'Fart at France', is deemed not officially funny on this forum? I was on the floor, completely ridiculous, but brilliantly appropriate.