No contradiction. David Dale chose to supply information in the hope of getting a few answers. The requires and deserves a response in line with the value of the information flow required. The pictures are excellent. It would seem valuable info as no one has any knowledge of the car. Those who research such things have something to find. He, and others, have chosen to put there facts before a public medium. Why am I not entitled to enjoy looking at this stuff, even if I point out certain problem connected with it. It is my choice not to, though some of the old pictures might get published once I have gone through them. I think you might struggle to steal this identity plate for re use.
I thought that RUM might do more than feast on finds. I think it means to, even if it is much is in the form of pages from editions of the Newsletter. Such solid and well illustrated evidence for an unknown and missing car as the SWift requires to be logged into some sort of file of missing machinery. Otherwise quick identification is not as easy, and irreplaceable remains might get lost for ever. Such wreckage should be saved, but its not always easy to accomplish this, as I have found out over the years digging out all sorts of mouldering cars. As you know I get quite annoyed if all the effort comes to nothing, recently the Powerdrive thread came up. As it happens, vandalised to parts only. I am still a bit miffed about it, but not with Grant anymore.
Anyway I do not run things and this is not getting the Swift any further forward. Not time to look up much in the next few days. A lot going on. But this is the sort of oddity I would happily own.