Dear Richard
Your proposal, like certain budget proposals, do not add up, with regard to the cost of printing and postage.
With regard to holding back the digital copied for two days to allow the UK copies to be delivered is also unworkable, as the European readers get theirs in one day, as European postal deliveries are more efficient.
In reality the day the magazine goes to the printers, which is 1st of the month, I could send out all the digital copies of the magazine. But we (Jean and I) agree on what day the paper copies will be posted and then I send out the digital copies on the same day. Now you may say that if I despatch them in the evening of that day (which I do if it is a working day), the readers in America, Australia and New Zealand will see them first. Which ever way I do it, somebody will be first and somebody will be last and that is life.
Just be comforted by the fact that the paper copies of Rumcar News may be still around in 100 years time, while the digital copies will be nothing more than some binary code.
I hope that makes you feel better Richard.
Chris Thomas
Rumcar News