Author Topic: Bond Owners Doug Ferreira Rally  (Read 3371 times)

Rusty Chrome (Malcolm Parker)

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Bond Owners Doug Ferreira Rally
« on: April 04, 2015, 01:06:50 pm »
Well, I didn't make it to this weekends rally, but I was pleased to get as far as the Brecon Beacons despite lots of rain and Bank Holiday traffic. I had problems with a sticking float several times during the run, usually remedied with a tap on the side of the carb, but had to give in when the thread went in the carb where the fuel line banjo bolt screws in. Tried several bodges to fix it, but couldn't think of a way to get a reliable leak proof joint and didn't have a spare carb body with me. Lot's of interest along the way from people who "haven't seen one of them for years". I couldn't help wondering now that premix pumps have died a death, if others have developed reliable fuel/oil mixing strategies as I'm sure that was the reason the float kept sticking. On the Bond the filler sits directly above the fuel tap, and I'm sure that however I add the oil, a large proportion must inevitably puddle itself around the fuel tap, waiting to gum up the carb.
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Re: Bond Owners Doug Ferreira Rally
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2015, 01:15:43 pm »
Shame you had to give up but well tried. Nice photo, I have distant relatives at Crickhowell !
Just remember: as one door closes behind you, another slams in your face

Bob Purton

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Re: Bond Owners Doug Ferreira Rally
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2015, 01:54:35 pm »
I know I've said it before but I do like the colour of your Bond Malcolm.

plas man

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Re: Bond Owners Doug Ferreira Rally
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2015, 04:00:38 pm »
best bit of advice with the card banjo try and always fit a new washer , as with the previous one you tend to tighten to stop leaks then its too late - damage done .


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Re: Bond Owners Doug Ferreira Rally
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2015, 07:12:51 pm »
Shame you missed us, Malcolm - the rally's going well.

I've found a temporary fix on the banjo-threads problem is to remove both washers and use a smear of non-setting gasket goo instead.  This allows the banjo to reach two washer thicknesses farther into the fresh threads.  When you can, get the threads helicoiled, eg at Villiers Services.

I've never had a problem with the oil when filling up, as I always add petrol, then oil, and use proper 2-stroke oil which dissolves readily.  (Having said that, I have seen one Bonder hit trouble by using a 2-stroke oil which managed to un-dissolve itself overnight!)

See you at Nottingham?

Rusty Chrome (Malcolm Parker)

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Re: Bond Owners Doug Ferreira Rally
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2015, 11:01:19 pm »
I guess I must be buying the wrong proper 2-stroke oil! Hadn't considered getting the carb threads helicoiled though, that could possibly be more robust than the original thread.
Bond Mk D - "The Bond Minicar solves your problem"
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