Author Topic: Villiers test rig  (Read 2645 times)


  • Rich
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  • Bond ,Gordon,Bruetsch
Villiers test rig
« on: June 08, 2015, 07:50:03 pm »
i posted this a while back , must be a year ago I think ,when I bought this at Beaulieu . I as usual never got around to trying it out but a good friend, Bond owner  and member of this forum has been playing around with the unit and says its brilliant ! tested all his box of coils , even the grotty looking ones ,and found them all in good order . I am going to try and persuade him to write an article on this intersting device  :) photo of looking through the inspection window at the spark produced .
outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read .Groucho Marx 1895-1977