Can I just point out that the British Standard raspberry was a development of the Scottish raspberry nicked after unification, under James first, and sixth of Scotland. It lost its Royal Appointment with Charles first's head and was used extensively to suppress the Irish thereafter. A policy begun by Cromwell. The adoption by the Navy slowly saw Britain reach global dominance, after dealing with Napoleon, who was only ever able to produce a squeaking noise or a farty under arm burst - see historical portraits where he stands in readiness, hand in coat, thus reducing him to forever follow a policy of internal line aggressiveness. The modern era saw the Germans suffer two defeats to the British raspberry in a race to develop the ultimate technically advanced raspberry. Fitting jet assistance ultimately failed the Nazi war machine. In fact much of that effort was waisted, as nature produced Spike Milligan. He wealded the British, and other tactical raspberries, the Punjabi therb being particularly nasty, to a pitch where no one was safe. But it was Milligan that achieved the British Standard raspberry. While time and politics enmesh it in Euoropean rules, I feel sure it will be heard very shortly, if the Greek crisis is not sorted out. I just hope our Foreign Secretary has been well coached.