remembering some 1960's years ago , the local council put new trafic lights on the corner of Clairville Common/Croydon Road , Middlesbrough , this unknown to myself - who was comming towards the new lights doing the 30 mph'ish at the time - but the road was on a bend , and the lights changed to red , so on went the brakes - the car stopped , lights changed to green , then as I set off the Nobel veered to the left , upon inspection at the road side it was found that on hard braking whilst cornering the rack/pinion had bent and smashed the alloy housing on the steering !
Spares was only a couple of days away from ''2 Strokes Ltd'' (nuff' sed !)
Then some weeks later some almighty screeching from the rear , only to find a collapest wheel bearing - but it also cost me a new alloy bearing housing , wheel bearings , and drive chain , all from that well known dealers as above !!
also in the order was a set of new points - impossible ! , still never fitted .
not finished yet ! , one day whilst climbing the bank (1 in 4) at Saltburn , it decided to fall over on the first corner , lucky there was a couple of holiday makers who righted me and the car and checked me for damage , needles to say that was the end of my adventures in a Nobell 200.
the best thing to come out of it was sell it and buy Bond Mk D EEF 550 has been with me since
