Author Topic: Ajax cylinder & head.  (Read 4038 times)


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Ajax cylinder & head.
« on: April 16, 2007, 10:33:30 pm »
Has anyone any info on an aluminium cylinder and flat topped head with central plug hole and another for a decompressor? On the sides near the base are the words: Pearson and   Ajax. The bore is 65mm. It looks like new/old stock, unused.
I seem to remember that in my younger days that AJAX was one of the go-faster mods for your Villiers engined motorcycle or Go-kart. It may be a replacement for a 250cc villiers powered  machine or an upgrade for the 9e 197cc.  Any ideas welcome. Thanks. Rob D.  ;D
« Last Edit: April 21, 2007, 07:35:02 pm by witney44 »

Stuart Cyphus

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Re: Ajax cylinder & head.
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2007, 11:03:30 pm »
Well, if the others are too young to rember, I must be right out of the equation! Though I do recall my Gran used to have a big tin of it under the kitchen sink. That any help??

 At long last I've had a bit of a play with the Mini-Comtesse today. The battery was flat so we attempted a bump start (yes folks. it is posible with an automatic, if you know what you're doing) So with two police women (who just happoned to be passing) looking on, off we trot. It would have worked as well if only I'd rembered to flick the ignition switch on, and for the fact the change-speed toggle switch came off in me 'and! Such is the joys of ridiculusly small & flimsy cars. Back on the drive, we fetch the battery power pack thing we've recently bought.  Then we find the lead clamps were too big to clip onto the battery terminals.  GRRRRRRRR... as it was by this stage. Then insparation struck. Out came the jump leads and tractor battery. Off came the Comtesse's battery. In went the tractor battery on the floor behind the seat, On went the jump leads on tractor battery and battery leads of Comtesse. Prod the starter.... IT LIVES, IT LIVES!!!   But hang on, I'd pulled the change-speed toggle off had'nt I. So still no actual play time as of yet.

 Then to cap it all, a woman comes walking down the road, You know the sort, knoleage of cars begins & ends with thinking the choke is to hang her handbag on, spots the Comtesse, looks it over, asks all the usual questions without the slightest comprehension of the answers. Then she notices the jockey wheels and asks; "what are they for?"  "You run them along the kerb and it guides you home." 

   Ooh, if only I'd had the nerve.......