Just back from Bath Rally. A few more of the faithful joined us today. But attendance was down, and for no apparent reason, as the sun shone all day, to the extent I have my first sunburn of the year, despite the first sun-cream of the year. Sad to say that it was a further evidence of a reduction in the support from South of the venue, that was noticeable. Confirming the trend I noted in the spring with respect to the placing of the National firmly further North, than of old, for the simple reason that the ready support and numbers who attend prove to be further North than of old.
Still it was good to catch up with folk face to face. As is normal for me, I hardly looked at the cars as I was to busy gassing. I found stuff I could use at the Autojumble, too. I lost count of the cubs of tea, and buns, pork pies etc. on offer. The core bunch are a good group of people.
After the prize giving the sun just got better and better, It seemed a shame to rush off home. Since the HTC group, who were staying on site the further night were planning to go into town, the Jones, and myself decamped for a evening meal with them. All those who attended were happy with their lot, so a jolly occasion, So talk was on what on earth one can do to get more folk to come and join in. I do not think we found an answer. But it sounds that due to the generosity of a few, the event goes again next year. But I cannot really think the weather will beat this weekend, as if it is to hot the cars play up, and folk get sleepy in the afternoon sunshine. The breeze kept the temperature right so folk were active.
I left feeling pretty happy, only to fall foul of the Sunday Drivers Jazz Parking Club section's latest effort on the M4. So an hour in a traffic jam to get off the closed M4. Maybe that is one reason folk no longer turn out. To many burks who cannot drive on the road inhibiting free movement! Of course if its a Raspberry Jam job, the services close the road and all the penguins have great fun in making a bad situation worse. In this case closing a three lane roundabout exit, to one lane. Why? Being local I choose to turn the opposite way to the diversion and hit the lanes. The A420 was solid lights as I viewed it running along the Icknield Way half way up the downs escarpment. I mused what a great road that is for a Microcar, message to leader, must get one going.