A four wheeled Tielhol Citadiene.
Even comes in copy cat shades of the original electric's pastel blue and yellow hues.
Would be interesting to know the translations.
Just saw a new semi production ready ultralight micro at the Los Angeles Intl Auto Show today.
It is called "Spira"
Extremely innovative use of cheap composite and foam panel construction. Only weighs in at about 300 lbs with a 150 cc scooter engine, and decent crash energy absorption properties, as well as an airbag.
Created by a local resident, and built in China. Truely revolutionary, although in its present iteration it needs further refinement. The owner actually appreciated my suggestions as to how to substantially further strengthen the spartan chassis and body with minimal work and materials.
Minimalist but potentially adequately functional with extremely simplistic construction taking advantage of most modern lightweight and cheap materials and assembly technique. The chassis is formed from 1/2" honeycomb polyethylene (think recycled water and soda bottles) sandwich sheets that are bent and glue gun welded to themselves.
Body panels are either simple plastic, or unfinished deep thick Styrofoam that simply bolts on and off in cases of damage.
Great concepts, but needing refinement of fitting at this stage.
Intended price point of $6,100 not likely to do well against the incredibly good $6,800 price of the air conditioned Elio. And this 3 wheeled fully highway capable competition, has its two wheels on the correct end of the car.
Wish my extra megapixel smart phone camera would allow me to post the pictures I took.