When I heard about the decision by the Classic Motor Show organisers to not provide space for the National Microcar Rally stand I also felt very annoyed at their short-sightedness. But then again the show has a new organiser company that perhaps does not understand the dynamics of such a show. To them it is a business and when space is at a premium it goes to the highest bidder. Unfortunately if you follow that logic all the registers who have nothing to sell, and show their cars in good will ( ie it costs them money to attend) will over time be forced out, and all that will be left will be the big traders and small stall holders selling flying jackets, Organised rallies, polish, tools, Chrome plating, Insurance, etc, and the show will have lost it's heart.
Look at it a different way other classic car shows insist that cars are not allowed to return year on year and preference is given to the rare and unusual, This keeps the show fresh and interesting for the visitors. If we look at the National Microcar Rally stand, not only has won awards, but it attracts large crows, regardless of the fact that it is shoved into the end hall in an ever decreasing plot. The range of cars that Ray and Jenny manage to get onto the stand are always different and very rare. Only when the popularity of the show starts to drop, will the organisers come begging for them to return.
In protest I am not going to the show. What is the point if the National Microcar Rally stand will not be there. I made the decision to visit Epoqu'Auto in France, which was much smaller and of course very French and had a microcar stand. It took a bit longer, but then again it was an adventure.
The early Classic Motor Shows were good. I think it is now too big and past its prime.