If my information is inaccurate, then Bond Spares dominates most thinking moments of BOC activity. My compliment was, it does not seem so, as BOC does seem to do more events than most, even if they are happy to do so privately. Its up to them. The group works in its Bondish way, as proven by cars doing things.
I think a National Microcar Club that was to attempt to predate on existing clubs for members, and space to operate, would create a very unpleasant situation. I never want to be part of that. Any new organisation has to add something, extras are saleable. What it adds has to be beyond that which the existing groups offer. No one said it was easy, but there is no doubt there is scope for doing this. I cannot see who heads it up, though.
You claim not to oppose a National Microcar Club, but the demeanour of you posting is one of actively not supporting it either. As I said, I understand why many folk will feel this way. Its one reason it will not happen.
As for slagging, Do not tempt me, I do not buy the lapwing act.. I could seriously slag off the Bond Club if I choose, with undeniable proofs. What will that achieve? Not a lot, and certainly none of it positive. So there is no point in doing so. I only ever, and continue, to do the best for unwanted cars, Bonds without the support of BOC, who seem determined to caste me as chief ogre with utterly no factual reasoning. What happens to Bonds rescued when they are not mine is not down to me. As the only Club for Bonds I still support sending cars and people to it for their best interests. I am pretty certain a reciprocal arrangement does not exist - not that it is needed nowadays. BOC have done very well out of me, if the truth be known, and are likely to continue to do so, whether they like it or not.