If your not doing something Micro, busy elsewhere so not looking at snippets of info, then you have little to post. So we all look to see if someone else has done something. While its not cold its not been the most attractive weather to be out in.
Here, Chrimbo can go bury itself. I object to its total commercial exploitation. Black Friday, indeed. An insult to our traditions by selling us some one else’s. Christmas is back to a two day holiday, with or without religion as it takes you, for most of the folk I know. They are going to have holidays when the days are longer and the weather allegedly better, instead of being pressured into wasting them at a dull time of year. Maybe its another split, with Christmas being a townie/urban thing about status, while out in the country we get on and enjoy the social side on the day with the Mummers, the biggest hunt of the year and a classic car meet and greet on Boxing Day.
I am doing something, clearing a property of Micro related items, by contract, Sadly I am not going too talk that much about it till its done, as history proves that folk will dive in on the side to poach items. Had a Messerschmitt visit on Monday, which was fun.
The BUMS will be meeting up at New Year for goodness knows what. But I can see the comtesse doing a few circuit and bumps, maybe some others.