If you are one of the few who actually drive microcars this could be of interest to you.
Dear friends.
Hopefully your thoughts are turning to Classic car events in the coming months!
The first one is Drive it Day which this year is on Sunday 24th April 2016. The CCVC & CVCM will be holding our usual event again called
The Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown Rally. Starting from the Museum of Power, Maldon and finishing at Audley End House where Classic cars will park on the lawns in between the house and the lake.
Therefore, please find attached the Entry Form for this event, note, closing date for entries is the 8th April 2016.
Kind regards
Alan Osborn
Chair CCVC
PS Apologies if you have received this email more than once.
Alan Osborn | Chairman
TWO Services Ltd | 2 Hovefields Lodge | Burnt Mills | Basildon | Essex SS13 1EB | United Kingdom
Main: +44 (0) 1268 727 603 | Fax: +44 (0) 1268 727 688 | Alan@two-services.com |