I undoubtedly lost trade. But was it a price worth paying in not having to deal with endless tyre kickers. I used to get people turning up, without an appointment, expecting to look at the cars while they were driving the wife around the area. They had no intention of buying anything. They were looking for a free museum. All things from that, through spies, to people using me to value their cars. If I had serviced all enquiries I would never have got out to get the stock I needed to create the interest generated and on which I partially lived. Remember I was doing courier work at the same time so each appointment to view was a potential delivery job turned down. I made a commitment to wait an hour after the agreed time, then I got about my business again.
You would be amazed how many people would drift up 4 hours late and be most surprised to be told I was in Coventry on a job. That is not a great way to start a negotiation, and few of those types ended up with a car. Again it showed their level of real interest.
My heart would sink if they bought the wife/girl friend. Most of them did not buy. Either it was banned as the partner did not like the car, or the bribe to get the car in a holiday, fridge or what ever made the deal to expensive. Buyers were 95% male. That said half the lasses that bought were brilliant fun. So there are good 'uns out there. Just not enough to go round.
Its the Bamby Marcus, to put you out of your misery.