Hummm, nice bit of film that. I notice it has "with pirmision of someone or other". Were they being filmed professionally then?

? Where, who & when? This film cheered me up when I must admit I was sitting here today a bit dejected-like becuse of two things yesterday. First that "Elogy for an Elswick Envoy" programme totally failed to list me in any shape or form in the creadits even though it was me who supplied them with every bit of conveyance detail used in the film, and it was also me who pointed them in the direction of the Wroughton Science Museum in the first place.
Secondly, I couldn't get the Comtesse out for Drive-it Day. We had some mush looking at buying one of Dad's tractors, half an hour it was meant to take. SIX HOURS LATER and he still hadn't buggered off. Such is the space round our house, only one vehicle can do anything at any one time. In the usual couse of events we still have to move two-&-a-half tons of Lister Autotruck to get to the Comtesse, but now we had the tractor blocking it in as well. So no drive for me that day. I wouldn't have minded so much, but for there being so very little point for me to actully drive anything at all much these days, only to miss one of the few days when there actully was some point. Ho hummm. What did everyone else do for Drive-It Day?