So as a requested here is the postscript after the history of McIntyres, thought to be a Bond dealership in Bolton. Might have been connected to Bob McIntyre. Alledged to have been somewhat cagey folk.
At some point the Bond Owners Club, or a representative group of associated owners, gained access to the premises and made a deal to clear the place of Bond cars and effects. As I understand it a number of cars were there. Anyway this task was thought complete. A while after this eventuality Chris Gordon happened to be visiting the premises, possibly in his capacity as an Auctioneer expert. In his search of the property a Bond MkA was discovered, complete but needing restorative work ant the back of a building under some stuff. He bought the car.
So the gossip, irony or amusement depending on your viewpoint, was the failure of the prior clearance party to find this car after all the work to get round the owners to get in the place. It may have been a contributory factor in the reluctance to support the later owners of the car, as their might have been embarrassment, I cannot say. Much depends on the prior history of McIntyre's, a probably long and interesting tale I know nothing about.
So now your challenge is to fill in the entire story having got the appendix after the last page. In doing this my understanding of what happened might well be proved wrong. I am dealing in second hand information here.