Its got a spare engine you wanted hasn't it. If not then perhaps there was a Alaskan Berkeley after all. But it came to nothing. Did the Goggo gent up there have any success? Sounds like you had more trouble on an 'internal' shipping than one from France, via the UK and on in. It suggest Nick might have been right not to get embroiled with the French export officials. Some nasty tales have gone round about failed importation to France. Not the same as export, of course. Not sure that Nick ever got involved in any of that, but I am sure he told me of a lost car he was aware off one Mannheim yonks ago. I have heard horror stories of stuff going into the USA too. Imposed extra fees and serious damage by agents of whom so ever customs use to search containers. Its all something of a calculated risk, but to many complex cargos go wrong, without rogue freight forwarding traders!.