The 42nd National Micro Car Rally Review meeting will be held on Sunday 23rd October 2016 in Pinxton Village Hall, Kirkstead Road, Pinxton Derbyshire NG16 6NA at 1.00pm to discuss this year’s rally and plan for next year’s rally.
Tea/coffee and biscuits will be available. Everyone is welcome to attend – further details contact Ray and Jenny on 01773 782688 or 07712 654777. Centre will be open at 12.30pm.
Directions: Leave M1 at J28 heading towards Pinxton/South Normanton on B6019. After approx. ¼ mile take the first road on the left “Pinxton Lane” and then at the traffic lights turn right “Victoria Road”. Take the second road on the right “Church Street West” (Chip Shop on the corner) and then the next left. The Village Hall is on the left hand side (approx. 1 mile from J28 of M1) There is adequate off road parking at the side of the hall.
If you are unable to attend but would like to raise any issues then please e-mail :