Hi Barry
Always interested to hear ideas on how the system can be made easier. As Jean has said the existing system dates back many years to the days of stamps and cheques. Unfortunately within the limitations of the current website I can't make ANY changes to it. There are work-arounds and people do download forms, type in the information and email them to me, others print, complete and scan completed forms and email them. I'm always delighted to receive photos by email rather than post. It saves the owner having to print out photos only for me to waste the same amount of time scanning them back to a digital format for storage! However I don't want to put ANYONE off registering a car. If you like your Postman feel free to support him, if you like speed use email. The only flies in the ointment are payment, which requires a PayPal invoice to be sent out and the final stage, which is down to me, and that's posting your windscreen sticker to you. There's no way round that one.
Keep registering