Zef, May I suggest you get your customer to put his car on the Register of Unusual Microcars by making contact with alastair.rumcars@btinternet.com Once his vehicle is on our Register, he can ask Alastair to put any other owners of, either Empolini's or Piagio's, of which there are a number among the now some 1,500 vehicles registered, who may be able to advise him, and you, how to overcome any problems.
That is one of the many advantages of Registering any microcar, especially those that have no one-make Club in this country, you can then be put in touch the owners of similar vechicles and share your experiences. This data base, even though it is now international, is run very strictly adherring to all the rules of confidentiality of the Data Protection Act and none of your information will ever be disclosed to a third party without your consent. We pride ourselves in helping all enthusiasts to enjoy their hobby as much as we have done in the past. This is the reason we are applying for Charitable status for our Archive of Microcars which will not only include the vehicle data base but give access to the wealth original paper information we hold in the form of factory records, sales brochures , contempory magazine articles from the 1950/60's , and precious correspondence from designers and manufacturers long since deceased. Any owner of a car which is on the Register will automaticaly have access to these records in the future as they become digitised. Watch this Forum for details as we make progress with our ARCHIVE PROJECT. Jean, Founder of the Register of Unusual Microcars in 1980.