Author Topic: Rumcar News 138 Autumn 2018  (Read 3941 times)

Chris Thomas

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Rumcar News 138 Autumn 2018
« on: September 06, 2018, 10:48:41 pm »
Dear Rumcar News readers

I am pleased to inform you all that all of the issues have been sent out, both the paper copies and the email copies.

Depending upon the post system will depend upon how quickly your magazine will arrive. Hopefully everybody will have their copy by 15 September.

The next editorial deadline for all your stories and items for inclusion will be 15 November. I hope to hear from you all before that date.

Chris Thomas
Rumcar News


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Re: Rumcar News 138 Autumn 2018
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2018, 05:29:18 pm »
My copy arrived on my doorstep this afternoon, Saturday 8th September, I  think you must have got your dates mixed up Chris.
I  have not yet had a chance to read much of it , but it looks like another bumper bundle,  thank  you Chris for all your hard work.. 
I must just say the Tony Marshall book has already been sold,  I got two different people  asking for it before my copy arrived !
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