Dear Bob
Thank you for your reply
We have an information roll out that starts with the Forum, followed by Rumcar News, followed by the Hammond Collection facebook page, followed by the UK one make registers and clubs, followed by the Rest of the world clubs, etc etc.
Like all things we have to start somewhere and certain things like Rumcar News have deadline and publication dates, which are set, while others can be slotted in almost at any time.
Now that the Archive of Microcars has been established, it will slowly gain momentum, rather than rushed at and run out of steam and enthusiasm. It has taken 35 years to reach where we are now, and keeping it going as closely to the model that we have all come to know is what we would like to achieve. However being a charity places certain duties and obligations on us that will mean we have to do things slightly differently, like fund raising, and making decisions as a board of trustees rather than as individuals.
As the small band of trustees are all voluntary we have to do things at the pace of the slowest person, which often is me. For anybody interested in helping us grow, please make contact.
Watch this space
Chris Thomas
Chair Person of the Trustees of the Archive of Microcars