Dear Darin
The DVLA have tightened up their procedures and this makes registering a vehicle of any kind without any documents very difficult, They need documentary proof that the vehicle is genuine and not a collection of spare parts assembled. This means that without an approved document linking the Chassis number to a registration year and or a registration number then they can refuse.
Rumcar can help you to date the vehicle, but that will only determine the number plate year once all the other requirements have been complied with.
If the vehicle was never registered in the UK, then you will probably need to prove when the vehicle arrived in the UK and proof of Vat or duty paid when it was imported. Again without any papers this may be very difficult to prove.
It is always unwise to purchase any car with no documentation, if you want to drive it on the highway.
So to answer your question as it stands you stand little chance of getting the vehicle registered in the UK without any documentation.
Chris Thomas
The Archive of Microcars