Author Topic: Rumcart News 148  (Read 6323 times)

Chris Thomas

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Rumcart News 148
« on: March 06, 2021, 05:20:26 pm »
Dear Rumcar News Readers

I am pleased to tell you that the paper copies of issue 148 ( Spring 2021) were sent out in the post on Friday Afternoon and the Digital copies were emailed out this morning Saturday 6 March, which was 10 days early

I am pleased to tell you that we have 16 new subscribers to Rumcar News this year. However 36 people are late in subscribing for this year, even though I have sent out email reminders to everybody.
It is very noticeable that the number of Digital copies has increased. But has a long way to go to catch up with the number of readers who like paper copies of Rumcar News.

It is never too late to subscribe to Rumcar News. If by 15 March you have not received a copy through your letter box or in your email, then it is likely you have not yet subscribed to Rumcar News for 2021.

Keep safe

Chris Thomas
The Archive of Microcars
Rumcar News


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Re: Rumcart News 148
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2021, 11:03:12 am »
My copy of RUM CAR NEWS  arrived yesterday so I have only had a quick flick through.  It is sadly dominated by the obituries for Tony Marshall and Robb Dobie
both key players each in their own way  to the story of microcars.  This was followed by the news that Mike-Worthington Williams yet another well known figure in the microcar world, had also passed away.  I feel this a sign of the fact we are all getting older, time to hand over to a younger generation to keep the flag flying.  I look forward to reading the rest of the articles, thanks Chris for another interesting read. Don't forget to pay your subs everybody so you can keep up with  the news.  Jean.
Register of Unusual Microcars


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Re: Rumcart News 149
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2021, 10:13:33 am »
I received my copy of RCN149yesterday afternoon and have given it a quick flick through.  As usual it has a good balance between the classic and new cars.  It is also good to see that Chris has received articles from several people both in Britain and abroad, which must make his job easier not having to fill so many spaces himself.  Thank you Chris for a job well done. Jean
« Last Edit: June 09, 2021, 09:35:49 am by Chris Thomas »
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