Author Topic: Trojans in London  (Read 15425 times)


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Re: Trojans in London
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2007, 05:07:23 pm »
I've seen it too. It will be the best Scootacar bar none.. Fantastic job
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Re: Trojans in London
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2007, 04:54:09 pm »
Does anyone remember the red isetta that was always parked along the chelsea embankment, it was there for years, well at least it was every saturday as I passed by on my way to the Portobello road. It disappeared about 10 years ago. I often wondered who owned it. It looked like it was in regular use. I just looked at the forcast for tomorrow in kent and it looks to be brightening up for jeans doo , goodo!
Yes I do remember that car, definately a red Isetta. On one occasion it had gained a dent in its door, but a few weeks later it had been repaired. I sometimes stopped and had a look at it. There also used to be Messershmitts and Bond in Sands End/Fulham. One of the Shmitts was on a  Ride On on C4. There was once an Isetta there painted as an RAF vehicle. I also used to see a blue Isetta further West, near Fulham Palace Road. Up in Shepherd's Bush there was a rough silver KR 200, number plate *** AUK. Apart from mine, Mike Shepherd's and Rufus Yells's, I have NEVER seen a Trojan in London! Oh, I also saw a red Scootercar in Parson's Green.
Really sorry I could not get to the Open Day.
Just been having a few problems with the Forum, but have at last managed to re-register and give a new password. I think there are now two of me.
Oh yes, I have not seen the Red Isetta on Chelsea Embankment for about 6 - 8 years, but about the last time I did see it there was a very nice KR 200 parked in a back road nearby, and once there was a SUPERB red KR 200 near the silver one ***AUK, which had a sun visor and other luxuries.
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Re: Trojans in London
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2007, 05:31:14 pm »
I too have not seen a Trojan in London other than the one at Camden purchased by Mike Shepard. There used to be a red Isetta parked on the forecourt of a Mercedes garage on the Cambridge Heath Rd in 1999-2000, and a yellow one outside a hand car wash on Haverstock Hill between Chalk Farm and Hampstead. A couple of times in 1996-97 I saw a blue and cream (possibly blue and silver) two tone Schmitt driving down Kensington Rd, Knightsbridge and again on the Marylebone Rd towards Bakers Street. There also used to be a very sad rusty red Schmitt parked in Clapham Old Town around 1993-94.

p.s. Marcus was the RAF Isetta in camouflage with a great big RAF target painted on the side? I saw this car parked in a side rd round the back of Oxford street in 2000.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2007, 05:54:31 pm by blob »


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Re: Trojans in London
« Reply #18 on: August 09, 2007, 01:51:19 pm »
If I remember right that one was RAF blue, but with a roundel. I have also seen an Isetta in green and khaki camouflage with roundels, cannot remember where though. After my last post I remembered also that there used to be a Trojan in poor condition parked in Loughborough Rd Brixton, which I used to pass regularly. it had been red, but was crudely re-painted matt yellow, and might thus have been the Trojan used in one of the Comic Strip TV films. It appeared abandoned, untaxed and un-wanted but enquiries suggested it belonged to a garage and repairer over the road. I thought of putting a bid for it at the local police station, but I had nowhere to keep it or work on it. I wonder if it was scrapped or rescued. There was also an Isetta (green) on top of a pile of cars in a scrappy off Camberwell New Rd about 20 years ago. I asked them if it was for sale, and how much...I decided that £1000 was far too much, especially as I really wanted a Heinkel or Trojan anyway, though it had to wait until I got room for one!
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Re: Trojans in London
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2007, 12:06:31 pm »
Yesterda,Sunday Myself and Carla went to Spitalfields in DUF to call in at Duke of Uke Ukulele shop. The usual crowds of people gathered as we parked up, and questions, photos, chat etc. Then a group of American teenage tourists came by. Now all of us micronauts get used to this interest and several of the girls were saying " Omigawd, what a cute car" and "oh that is so cute", and " Omigawwwwwwwd, none of us has a camera". Then one came up with a comment which was totally new to us, and had us in stitches: "Omiguuuuud, that car is SICK" !
Who says Yanks have no sense of humour?!
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Re: Trojans in London
« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2007, 05:09:34 pm »
Talk about coincidence I was at Spitalfields yesterday, only I went there to see the mess the developers have made and didn't hang around too long, would have been nice to see DUF though. Incidentally the camouflage Khaki Isetta sounds like the one I saw, it had some additional stickers on it and was parked near the London School of Fashion so maybe it


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Re: Trojans in London
« Reply #21 on: August 15, 2007, 08:18:41 pm »
Hello Blob. Well I know that "bad" means good, and that often it is hip to reverse the meaning of words, but Carla heard this remark and was under the impression that the girl was having a full sense-of-humour-failure, and was genuinely repulsed by the Trojan, and I find that very amusing - her loss!
I am not very good at navigating these forum thingies, but do you have a name ?!
I was there about 1-2 pm in Hanbury St, between Spitalfields and Brick Lane, shame I did not meet up with you.
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Re: Trojans in London
« Reply #22 on: August 24, 2007, 11:45:42 pm »

I often drive down to the Brick Lane area in my KR (or Scootacar if I'm feeling maga brave).  Let me know when you're there next and maybe we can stop for a cup of tea and a chat.   

I work about 200 yards from there too.
"Men of worth act like men of worth, and men of genius, who produce
things beautiful and excellent, shine forth far better when other people
praise them than when they boast so confidently of their own achievements."
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Re: Trojans in London
« Reply #23 on: August 26, 2007, 08:03:27 pm »
Great! Just been on holiday. Will let you know, hopefully quite soon, Marcus
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Re: Trojans in London
« Reply #24 on: August 27, 2007, 07:15:04 am »
Top stuff!   :D
"Men of worth act like men of worth, and men of genius, who produce
things beautiful and excellent, shine forth far better when other people
praise them than when they boast so confidently of their own achievements."
-Benvenuto Cellini


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Re: Trojans in London
« Reply #25 on: September 02, 2007, 07:46:05 pm »
Had a VERY busy day at Faversham hop festival on saturday, so took it easy today. A little light maintenance on my Trojan, then open the roof and sit in it playing my Tenor ukulele. Ah, those lovely warm but contained accoustics! Any other musicians out there who enjoy the accoustics in their micro?
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Re: Trojans in London
« Reply #26 on: September 02, 2007, 08:39:36 pm »
I've tried playing my didgeridoo in the half finished Gordon and the door fell off! Still can't get the hang of circular breathing yet!  ;D

Stuart Cyphus

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Re: Trojans in London
« Reply #27 on: September 02, 2007, 09:44:29 pm »
Mt Comtesse is quite capible of making funny noises of its own accord.....


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Re: Trojans in London
« Reply #28 on: September 03, 2007, 09:28:05 am »
I always smile at those 60s public information films, and "Look at Life" shorts, when a bubble pootles past the camera unannounced during a general shot of 'London, the swinging metropolis'. ISTR a Trojan pulls up outside the Wimpy where Dudley Moore works in the original version of 'Bedazzled' and a bevy of swinging lovelies tumble out. Eleanor Bron being one of them.

Actually, "micros in film" sounds like a RUMCar news article in the making. Can anyone think of any? I've got a 60s TV advert somewhere where some trendies pull up in a Trojan and a Messerschmit respectively and eat (I think) chocolate bars (will have to dig it out, I can't even remember what it was advertising, so it wasn't a very successful campaign!). There was also an episode of 'The Chinese Detective' in about 1981/2, in which the anatagonists (Nat Jackley & Maurice Denham) owned a microcar collection; the end sequence was a Bond Bug / 'schmit car chase, I remember. Whose collection did they use, I wonder?


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Re: Trojans in London
« Reply #29 on: September 03, 2007, 09:54:08 am »
If you're looking for micros in film have a pretty good list,