If I remember right that one was RAF blue, but with a roundel. I have also seen an Isetta in green and khaki camouflage with roundels, cannot remember where though. After my last post I remembered also that there used to be a Trojan in poor condition parked in Loughborough Rd Brixton, which I used to pass regularly. it had been red, but was crudely re-painted matt yellow, and might thus have been the Trojan used in one of the Comic Strip TV films. It appeared abandoned, untaxed and un-wanted but enquiries suggested it belonged to a garage and repairer over the road. I thought of putting a bid for it at the local police station, but I had nowhere to keep it or work on it. I wonder if it was scrapped or rescued. There was also an Isetta (green) on top of a pile of cars in a scrappy off Camberwell New Rd about 20 years ago. I asked them if it was for sale, and how much...I decided that £1000 was far too much, especially as I really wanted a Heinkel or Trojan anyway, though it had to wait until I got room for one!