Thinking about the recent Peel sale and lots of other "e-Bay stories" does raise an issue which worries me a lot. America recently introduced new legislation so that anything imported into USA for exhibition will NEVER be allowed out of America again. By means of ebay, and other methods, huge amounts of world history and artefacts are being gobbled up by those culture-less burger victims who are so devoid of ideas and history that they trawl the world for all that they can get their grubby hands on. Some are genuine enthusiasts, but many or most just want funny or interesting curios to boost their status. Of course everyone has the right to sell something that belongs to them, but it saddens me that so much is going to USA, and I personally would definately try to find a European buyer if i was ever to sell my Trojan. Hate to admit it though, those arrogant ignorant rednecks DO pay good money, so I would never criticise anyone who does sell to those imperialistic selfish greedy stupid lawless brain-dead plagiaristic murderous thieving militaristic polluting wasteful selfish blobs in that cess pit between Canada and Mexico!